Global Sevilla International School - Graphic Design Subject

Global Sevilla International School - Graphic Design Subject.
This is where to find materials for GD Assignments, and Best GD Works from all grades!
(Most of the design work of students contain images that they got from the GoogleImages, which then they edit and use in their design layout. Neither they nor the teacher and the school has never stated that the design of these original materials are their work. The work of these students solely for the benefit of school work, not commercial.)

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Materials GD Final Exam (Senior Classes)

Materials for GD Final Exam (Senior Classes):

The main points are :

1. Six Components of Graphic Design :
  •  Four Groups  of Line based on the Orientation
  • Five Types of Typography
2.  Graphic Design Principles :
  • Symmetrical Balance
  • Asymmetrical Balance
  • Radial Balance
  • Regular Rhythm
  • Flowing Rhythm
  • Progressive Rhythm
3. Photoshop Animation :
  • The Panels used in creating animation in Adobe Photoshop (Layers Panel, Animation Panel, Frames, etc. )
  •  Icons recognition (Duplicate Selected Frame Icon, Tweens Icon, Delete Frames Icon, etc.)

There will be 3 (three) sections for this exam : Multiple Choice, Essay, and Sketch.

Questions or need more informations about this article? Send to my email address.