Global Sevilla International School - Graphic Design Subject

Global Sevilla International School - Graphic Design Subject.
This is where to find materials for GD Assignments, and Best GD Works from all grades!
(Most of the design work of students contain images that they got from the GoogleImages, which then they edit and use in their design layout. Neither they nor the teacher and the school has never stated that the design of these original materials are their work. The work of these students solely for the benefit of school work, not commercial.)

Monday, September 30, 2013

New Post at last..

My dear ex-students from Sevilla School..

I'm no longer teaching Graphic Design in Sevilla. I've moved to another city since July 2013. I'm still a teacher, and I have lots of new students here, too. It was busy these past months. That's why I haven't update this blog. But, I'll try to keep update this blog.. I'll search through my files and will put your graphic design works thas haven't been put in this blog. Perhaps now, some of you took Graphic Design as your major, and would find your design works while you were in high school useful as parts of your portfolio.

I wish all of  you the best for your future life.

Feel free to contact me, if you have something to ask, or just to say hello, by sending me email at :